Monday, June 7, 2010

Capstone: A digital toolkit for musicians

Senior year is finally wrapping up and here is a video to prove it. The concept means to help up-and-coming bands prepare their sound for live performances.

A personal digital recorder can be combined with other band members' recorders to capture practices. The song information is then sent to a website where the songs can be reviewed or added to.

More pictures to come!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Creation of the Fracture Chair

I just recently finished putting this video together for a competition in our design class. It won me money!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Work: Pack and Go PA System

I recently completed a new project centering on the small band. This all-in-one PA system attempts to address problems bands have with existing portable systems. The gear looks pretty cool and solves a few problems:

1. Built in monitors
2. Backpack type transport
3. Wireless digital mixing

Monday, December 21, 2009

What makes a great senior thesis?

I haven’t posted anything in awhile, so hopefully some people are still listening.

As my final co-op quarter comes to a close, I’m beginning to ask the question, “what the &$#! am I going to do for my senior thesis?” So, instead of trying to pull an awesome idea out of nowhere I’ve decided to try and understand what elements are inherent in the creation of a solid, culminating project. What are the most important characteristics of a senior design thesis?

Here’s the list I’ve come up with so far:

1.Make sure it’s doable and can be well executed in the given time.

2.Pick a topic that is going to show your strengths as an industrial designer ready to be hired

3.Most importantly, own the topic you choose. Consider a topic that is going to show your talents and drive you to do your best work possible.

Let me know if I’m missing something from the list…


I talked with some guys at work and this is what they felt was important...

1. Process book

2. Presentation & Storytelling: Make sure you plan to give yourself time to put together a compelling story about your product.

3. Schedule backwards: Understand what you want to accomplish and make a schedule backwards from the final due date to hit those milestones.

4. The critics will be professionals: Direct quote, "make sure you know what you are talking about or people are going to nail you on shit."

Thursday, February 12, 2009

HP Storyboards (Do people understand my concept?)

Okay, here are the problem and solution storyboards for my HP project. The critique posed a lot of understandability issues in my concept and hopefully I can use this criticism in a positive way.

That being said, it is hard for a designer to detach and step away from a project they are intimate with. If anyone has a chance to run through my story it would be nice to hear where "hang ups" are occurring.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Rough Idea for a Computer Concept (China)

So midway through the quarter I have learned that designing a computer for another country is difficult, if not near impossible.

Here is my idea; since there is a large generation gap in China and online addiction has become a big problem among teenagers, why not design a computer that both closes this gap and helps parents monitor teen computer usage without invading their privacy.

The monitor is a wireless touch device that can move anywhere in the house to help bond families around technology. When the computer is in use by an individual (mainly the kids) a mobile object lets parents monitor computer usage discreetly. The orb changes colors based on what the child is using the computer for. While the teenager retains some privacy, parents can rest assured their child is balancing time on the computer.

What does everyone think? Any ideas on how these objects could integrate together better?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Final Images: Usb drive for Epic Records

In class we've worked through some new skills including rendering in illustrator and utilizing quick 3D models in creating final sketch renders.